AB254-ASA1,1,6 1An Act to amend 28.04 (2) (a), 28.04 (2) (b), 28.04 (2) (c), 28.04 (3) (a), 28.04 (3)
2(b) and 93.07 (12); and to create 23.114, 23.135, 28.025, 28.04 (1) (br), 28.04 (1)
3(ds) and 28.05 (3) of the statutes; relating to: managing state forest lands,
4harvesting of timber from certain forested properties, emergencies on state
5forest lands, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and
6requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB254-ASA1, s. 1 7Section 1. 23.114 of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,1,10 823.114 Duties of the chief state forester. (1) (a) In this section, "state forest
9land" means all forested lands owned by this state and under the jurisdiction of the
AB254-ASA1,2,411 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), the chief state forester may declare, and shall
12manage, emergencies that threaten state forest lands. The department shall

1promulgate rules specifying those emergencies over which the chief state forester
2shall have management responsibility. The emergencies specified in the rules shall
3include invasive species or pest infestation, disease, and damage to timber from fire,
4snow, hail, ice, or wind.
AB254-ASA1,2,75 (c) Paragraph (b) does not apply to a state of emergency declared by the
6governor under s. 166.03 and does not supersede the authority of the department of
7agriculture, trade and consumer protection under ch. 94.
AB254-ASA1,2,9 8(2) The chief state forester shall report directly to the secretary of the
AB254-ASA1, s. 2 10Section 2. 23.135 of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,2,13 1123.135 Forest land inventory and report. (1) In this section, "state forest
12land" means any parcel of 10 or more contiguous acres of forested land owned by this
13state and under the jurisdiction of the department.
AB254-ASA1,2,16 14(2) The department shall undertake and maintain a current inventory of state
15forest lands. The inventory shall specify the condition of the forest resources in state
16forest lands.
AB254-ASA1,2,20 17(3) If the department prohibits the use of timber harvesting on any state forest
18land, the department shall prepare a report that contains a projection of the
19long-term forest health effects, a projection of the economic effects, and a projection
20of the public benefits that result from that prohibition.
AB254-ASA1,2,23 21(4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), if the department is required to prepare
22a report under sub. (3) for any state forest land, the department shall prepare that
23report by January 1, 2010, and every 15 years thereafter.
1(b) If the department is required to prepare a report under sub. (3) for any state
2forest land for which a master plan has not been approved, the department shall
3prepare that report upon approval of the master plan and every 15 years thereafter.
AB254-ASA1,3,6 4(5) The department shall submit the report required under sub. (3) to the
5council on forestry and to the appropriate standing committee in each house of the
6legislature under s. 13.172 (3).
AB254-ASA1, s. 3 7Section 3. 28.025 of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,3,10 828.025 Annual allowable timber harvests. (1) In this section, "forested
9property" means forested property owned by this state and and under the
10jurisdiction of the department from which timber is harvested.
AB254-ASA1,3,18 11(2) The department shall establish annual allowable timber harvests for each
12forested property. The department may establish a single annual allowable timber
13harvest that applies to 2 or more forested properties in a particular region of this
14state, as determined by the department, if each one of those forested properties is
15smaller than 5,000 forested acres and if all of the proceeds from the sale of timber
16harvested on those combined forested properties are credited to appropriations
17under s. 20.370 that provide funding for the same purpose, as determined by the
AB254-ASA1,3,21 19(3) (a) 1. By January 1, 2007, and biennially thereafter, the department shall
20submit a report to the council on forestry specifying the total timber harvest on each
21forested property for the previous biennium, except as provided under par. (b).
AB254-ASA1,3,2522 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1, the department shall submit its report to the
23council on forestry as required under subd. 1. by January 1, 2009, and biennially
24thereafter, if the forested property that is the subject of the report has not been
25inventoried by the department under s. 23.135.
1(b) If, under sub. (2), the department establishes an annual allowable timber
2harvest for combined forest properties, the department may submit a report that
3specifies the total timber harvest for these combined properties.
AB254-ASA1,4,124 (c) If the department submits a report under this section that states that the
5timber harvest for forested property in any biennium is less than 90 percent, or more
6than 110 percent, of the allowable timber harvest established under sub. (2), the
7council on forestry shall prepare a report containing the reasons for noncompliance
8and recommendations on methods of ensuring that the timber harvest is consistent
9with the annual allowable timber harvest established by the department under sub.
10(2). The council on forestry shall submit the report to the governor, to the
11department, and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s.
1213.172 (3).
AB254-ASA1, s. 4 13Section 4. 28.04 (1) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,4,1414 28.04 (1) (br) "Division" means the division of forestry in the department.
AB254-ASA1, s. 5 15Section 5. 28.04 (1) (ds) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,4,1616 28.04 (1) (ds) "State forest land" has the meaning given in s. 23.135 (1).
AB254-ASA1, s. 6 17Section 6. 28.04 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254-ASA1,5,618 28.04 (2) (a) The department division shall manage the state forests forest
to benefit the present and future generations of residents of this state,
20recognizing that the state forests forest lands contribute to local and statewide
21economies and to a healthy natural environment. The department division shall
22assure the practice of sustainable forestry and use it to assure that state forests
23forest lands can provide a full range of benefits for present and future generations.
24The department division shall also assure that the management of state forests
25forest lands is consistent with the ecological capability of the state forest land lands

1and with the long-term maintenance of sustainable forest communities and
2ecosystems. These benefits include soil protection, public hunting, protection of
3water quality, production of recurring forest products, outdoor recreation, native
4biological diversity, aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, and aesthetics. The range of
5benefits provided by the department division in each state forest land shall reflect
6its unique character and position in the regional landscape.
AB254-ASA1, s. 7 7Section 7. 28.04 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254-ASA1,5,108 28.04 (2) (b) In managing the state forests, the department division shall
9recognize that not all benefits under par. (a) can or should be provided in every area
10of a state forest land.
AB254-ASA1, s. 8 11Section 8. 28.04 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254-ASA1,5,1312 28.04 (2) (c) In managing the state forests forest land, the department division
13shall recognize that management may consist of both active and passive techniques.
AB254-ASA1, s. 9 14Section 9. 28.04 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254-ASA1,5,2015 28.04 (3) (a) The department division shall prepare a plan plans for each the
16state forest lands that describes how the state forest lands will be managed. The
17department division shall work with the public to identify property goals and
18objectives that are consistent with the purposes under sub. (2). The department
19division shall identify in each plan the objectives of management for distinct areas
20of the state forest land.
AB254-ASA1, s. 10 21Section 10. 28.04 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB254-ASA1,6,622 28.04 (3) (b) The department division shall establish procedures for the
23preparation and modification of these plans, including procedures for public
24participation. In preparing and modifying plans under this subsection, the
25department division shall use the best available information regarding the purposes

1and benefits of the state forests forest land that the department division acquires
2through inventories, evaluations, monitoring and research. In evaluating such
3information, the department division shall consider both regional and local scales,
4including the impact on local economies. As new information becomes available, the
5department division shall adapt its management of the state forest land and, if
6necessary, the plan plans for the state forest lands.
AB254-ASA1, s. 11 7Section 11. 28.05 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB254-ASA1,6,208 28.05 (3) Cooperating foresters. (a) The department shall, by rule, establish
9a program that allows private cooperating foresters to assist the state in the
10harvesting and sale of timber from state forest lands to meet the annual allowable
11timber harvest established under s. 28.025. The rule shall include provisions
12authorizing the department to contract with cooperating foresters for the purpose of
13harvesting and selling timber from state forest lands and authorizing cooperating
14foresters to receive a portion of the proceeds from each timber sale. The department
15shall establish in the rule a method for determining what portion of the proceeds
16received from each timber sale shall be paid to the private cooperating foresters for
17their services in assisting the division in the harvesting and sale of timber from state
18forest lands. The division shall ask the council on forestry to recommend a method
19for determining what portion of the proceeds received from each timber sale shall be
20paid to private cooperating foresters under the rule.
AB254-ASA1,6,2421 (b) Each private cooperating forester with whom the department contracts
22under par. (a) to harvest and sell timber from state forest lands shall be entitled to
23receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of such timber in the amount
24determined by the department under par. (a).
AB254-ASA1, s. 12 25Section 12. 93.07 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
193.07 (12) Plant pests. To conduct surveys and inspections for the detection
2and control of injurious pests injurious to plants, make, modify, and enforce
3reasonable rules needed to prevent the dissemination of pests, declare and manage
4emergencies relating to the detection and control of pests injurious to plants,
5provided that such declaration does not supersede the authority of the chief state
6forester under s. 23.114 or the department of natural resources under s. 26.30,
7suggest methods of control.
AB254-ASA1, s. 13 8Section 13. Nonstatutory provisions.
AB254-ASA1,7,159 (1) The department of natural resources shall submit in proposed form the
10rules required under sections 23.114 (1) (b) and 28.05 (3) of the statutes, as created
11by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no
12later than the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this
13subsection, unless the secretary of administration requires the department of
14natural resources to prepare an economic impact report under section 227.137 of the
15statutes for the proposed rules.
AB254-ASA1,7,2416 (2) Using the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department
17of natural resources shall promulgate rules required under sections 23.114 (1) (b)
18and 28.05 (3) of the statutes, as created by this act, for the period before the effective
19date of the permanent rules submitted under subsection (1). Notwithstanding
20section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes, emergency rules promulgated under this
21subsection remain in effect until the date on which permanent rules take effect.
22Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the department is not
23required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
AB254-ASA1, s. 14
1Section 14. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
2except as follows:
AB254-ASA1,8,43 (1) The treatment of sections 23.135 and 28.025 of the statutes takes effect on
4the first day of the 13th month beginning after publication.
AB254-ASA1,8,65 (2) The treatment of sections 23.114 (1) (b) and 28.05 (3) of the statutes takes
6effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after publication.